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Noia announces recipients of its 2016 Oil & Gas Industry Achievement Awards

Noia is pleased to announce Robert S. Crosbie of Crosbie Group Ltd. and Dr. Richard Wright of Nalcor Energy (Oil & Gas) as recipients of the Outstanding Contribution Award and Rising Star Award, respectively. Both individuals will be recognized at Noia’s Industry Achievement Awards Luncheon on February 25, 2016, at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland.

The Outstanding Contribution Award recognizes exemplary individuals who have influenced the development of our local oil & gas industry and who have demonstrated qualities of vision, integrity and leadership through their work and lives. And during his 36+ year career, Rob Crosbie has done just that.  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Crosbie Group Limited (CGL) since 1991, Mr. Crosbie’s entrepreneurial spirit, vision, pursuit of excellence, business acumen, commitment to education and innovation, community leadership, record of charity, and high standards of ethics and integrity are just some of the attributes which have inspired so many who have had the opportunity to work with him. These values have also been key to his ability to build what has come to be regarded as one of the most respected home grown businesses in our province. Mr. Crosbie’s views are sought out by the general public, industry associations and government and he has played a leading role, often behind the scenes, in helping to shape both industry and public policy.

In addition to his considerable business success, Mr. Crosbie has also been an active private and public sector advisor and director and has an outstanding record of charity and volunteerism for the betterment of our industry and our province.

The Rising Star Award was launched in 2014 to recognize the talents of an impressive individual who is 40 years old or younger and has made remarkable strides in their role in the local oil & gas industry. Dr. Richard Wright, Nalcor Energy’s Manager of Exploration, certainly fits that description through his leading role in developing and executing Nalcor’s multi-year exploration strategy – a strategy focused on reducing risk and uncertainty for the global industry while gaining knowledge about our resource potential to maximize the benefit for the people of the province.

Dr. Wright’s technical expertise, keen business sense, industry insight and passion for the province has been instrumental in reshaping Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil & gas future.  Under his guidance, Nalcor’s exploration strategy has seen much success for the local industry. The basin area in offshore Labrador has more than doubled and new areas in the slope and deepwater are being surveyed for the first time in the province’s history. New play types that have never been seen before in offshore NL are being seen – successful play types that are yielding some of the leading discoveries in other hydrocarbon regions of the world.

Both Mr. Crosbie and Dr. Wright will be celebrated at Noia’s Oil & Gas Industry Achievement Awards on Thursday, February 25, 2016 at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland. The event will also acknowledge Noia members who are marking 30 or more years as Noia members and contributors to the local oil & gas industry.

Noia’s Oil & Gas Industry Achievement Awards are taking place 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on February 25, 2016, at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland. Register here.