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Energy NL Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 Day Two Wrap Up & Day Three Preview

(St. John’s, NL – Wednesday, May 31, 2023) The second day of the Energy NL Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 examined the market potential for Newfoundland and Labrador’s lower carbon energy and opportunities for Energy NL members to engage in the broader energy market. As well, Cenovus Energy provided an update on operations in the White Rose field and a group of industry leaders discussed the pathways for Newfoundland and Labrador to achieve net zero by 2050, including carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) as a unique opportunity.

Day Two of the conference explored the growing relationships between Newfoundland and Labrador and Europe, specifically the Port of Rotterdam, along with opportunities for Energy NL members to participate in the Northeastern United States offshore wind sector. BP Canada also provided an update on its current exploration program offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. The discussion on net zero highlighted the unique advantage of having a lower carbon oil and the possibilities of storing carbon from around the world offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. Both Natural Resources Canada Minister Johnathan Wilkinson and Scott Tessier, CEO of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, provided an update on offshore wind regulations, while the CEO of Rio Tinto IOC shared insights into potential production of green steel.

John Steele, CEO of Steele Hotels, spoke at lunch about the province wide impact of the energy industry, the need to maintain connections – including direct flights to Newfoundland and Labrador from London and New York – and why the energy sector has so many reasons to be optimistic. Prior to the keynote talk of John Steele, Energy NL CEO Charlene Johnson addressed the announcement today by Equinor about the Bay du Nord project. Those remarks can be read here.

Day Three begins at 8:30 a.m. with an address by Premier Andrew Furey, as well as an examination of the role technology will play in the offshore of the future, including autonomous operations and carbon technologies. The final session of conference will explore the skills and education required to successfully participate in the energy sector of the future.

Session Five (8:30 a.m.): The Offshore of the Future: Leading Edge Technology

  • Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Brent Miller, Vice President East Coast for Suncor Energy
  • Dave Finn, CEO of ERINL
  • Lesley James, Department of Process Engineering at Memorial University
  • Freeman Ralph, Vice President of Oceans & Energy, C-CORE

Session Six (10:50 a.m.) Readying for the Future: The Education & Skills Required for Success

  • Tore Løseth, Country Manager for Equinor Canada
  • Jan van der Tempel, Co-founder & Director of DOB Academy
  • Kelley Santos, Director of The Launch

The afternoon will feature a keynote lunch address by Leah Hextall, Sports Journalist and National Hockey League Broadcaster, as well as a tech market collaboratively managed by Energy NL and techNL.

The Energy NL Conference & Exhibition 2023 program is available here.

Energy NL represents approximately 500 member organizations worldwide which are involved in the energy sector. Members are active in all areas of the supply and service sector and include a diverse representation of businesses that range from offshore supply vessels and helicopters, carbon reduction and sustainable technologies, health and safety equipment and training, engineering solutions and fabricators to law firms and human resource agencies.

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