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Noia’s Fall Seminar 2020

Noia’s Fall Seminar 2020

Not your typical virtual event

For the oil and gas industry, 2020 has been a devastating year. The COVID-19 pandemic and collapse of oil prices have had significant impacts for our industry, Noia members, and Noia itself. Over the last eight months Noia has diligently worked to help our members and the industry through this challenging time. It has been a difficult, even daunting task, and our work continues.

While we continue to advocate for our industry, we also recognize that some sense of ‘normal’ is needed to help us move forward. Noia has heard from many members that the business connections and market insight found at Noia events is one of the aspects they have missed throughout 2020. With that in mind, Noia has been hard at work putting together its annual Fall Seminar.

Recognizing that a typical Fall Seminar was not possible due to COVID-19, the planning committee and Noia staff sought options to engage Noia members and host Fall Seminar in a manner as close as possible to what the membership is accustomed. To achieve this Noia, is working with vFairs to create a customizable virtual Fall Seminar that provides opportunities for one-on-one meetings, networking lounges with live chats, a virtual floor with exhibition space, breakout sessions and much more. Evidently, this 3D platform is clearly not your typical virtual meeting.

“We are extremely thrilled to offer this platform to Noia members so they can get back to what they appreciate most about Noia events, the opportunities to connect with fellow members and to learn about the latest trends in our industry,” said Heather Beresford, Fall Seminar 2020 Chair. “This virtual space is dynamic, fully customized for Noia, and provides an opportunity to experience a Noia event while we work through COVID-19. I look forward to a truly successful event that provides exceptional value to Noia members.”

Titled “Evolving Our Offshore: Balancing the Energy Mix,” the main plenary session begins with a discussion on the global offshore industry outlook by world-leading energy research and business intelligence firm Rystad Energy, as well as an in-depth look at the potential of the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore and its place in that global industry by Jim Keating, Executive Vice President, Offshore Development of Nalcor Energy – Oil & Gas. As the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore industry looks to expand its reach and impact, the main session will also examine how and what the region can learn from other jurisdictions such as Norway and includes a presentation from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Øystein Kolstad, Principal Analyst Sustainability, Equinor ASA, will also discuss the low-carbon approach of the company, timely given the recent commitment of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The keynote lunch for Fall Seminar will feature Catherine Courage, Vice President Ads and Commerce User Experience for Google. Catherine is a Newfoundlander and Labradorian helping to lead the tech revolution with one of the world’s leading firms and will discuss the role of digital disruption in driving new ideas and innovation.

The breakout sessions offer something for everyone with an interest in the offshore oil and gas industry. The sessions will take deep dives into supplier development and diversification in emerging markets. A breakout session on technology will focus on the latest trends in these emergent areas of energy with presentations by Kraken Robotics, PanGeo Subsea, Zen Clean Energy Solutions, and Genoa Design International. A discussion forum on international opportunities in Guyana/Suriname, Norway, Scotland, and Colombia will also be held.

A third breakout session will further explore clean technology and the role it can play in helping the industry and province achieve net zero. Noia, NEIA and Nalcor Energy – Oil & Gas have collaborated to issue several RFPs to learn more about electrification of offshore facilities, and work underway already underway in the clean tech space. The results of these RFPs and the research conducted will be presented.

Additionally, Fall Seminar 2020 will have prerecorded speaker sessions which delegates can watch at a time convenient for them. So, should you virtually run into a colleague you have not seen in some time you can focus on reestablishing that relationship and take in the prerecorded sessions from Aker on offshore electrification, Intecsea on wind energy to power offshore facilities, or IPIECA on the energy transition and sustainable development, at a later time.

“While 2020 has provided significant challenges, Noia has remained committed to providing value to our members and to helping them through this difficult period,” said Noia CEO Charlene Johnson. “Our virtual Fall Seminar is great way to step outside of the typical formula of virtual events and experience an event unlike any other, one that meets the standard people have come to expect from Noia. We look forward to seeing everyone on the virtual floor November 18.”

For more information on the virtual Fall Seminar 2020, including a full list of speakers, session details, time, and registration, visit the Noia website here.

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